Logo Itzehoer Wasser-Wanderer e.V.


Kayaking  Dragon Boat  Painting the club logo with a torch at a canoe trip in Sweden 
Stand Up Paddling  Lighthouse on the island Pagensand (Elbe)  Whitewater kayaking

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Welcome to the website of the

Itzehoer Wasser-Wanderer e.V.

We are a canoe and kayak club with over 220 members at Itzehoe in the north of Germany in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, known as the "Land between the Seas" (North Sea and Baltic Sea). Our boathouse is lo­ca­ted on the right bank of the tidal river Stör.

Kayaking with the Itzehoer Wasser-Wanderer is training for beginners and advanced paddlers. From the first paddle stroke to the perfect Eskimo roll. For the whole family and all ages: small children accompanied by their pa­rents, a children's and youth group and an active group of adult paddlers.

We offer our members canoe trips on the Stör and other local waters, week­end trips in northern Germany, holiday trips on some of Europe's most in­te­res­ting waters with the tent equipment in the boats and ambitious white­wa­ter challenges. And we are looking for a sporting challenge in dra­gon boat padd­ling.

Kayaking with the Itzehoer Wasser-Wanderer is as varied as the waters: ro­man­tic lakes, large rivers, fast-flowing mountain streams, the North Sea and the Bal­tic Sea...

Our club has been recognized by the German Canoe Fe­de­ra­tion as an "Active Canoe Club" and "Active for Families" (Deutscher Kanu-Ver­band e.V.).

Canoeing is simply the best sport in the world!

Our web pages are in German as they are intended primarily intended for in­for­ming our members and friends about our activities.

We would like to invite you, to experience canoeing with us. How about en­te­ring a team in one of our dragon boat events?

Just stay with us for a while!

Any Questions? Send me an email...

On the board page "Vorstand" you will find our con­tact persons, their ad­dres­ses, telephone num­bers and the languages they speak.

Martin Ölscher
- Chairman -

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Logo Itzehoer Wasser-Wanderer e.V.
Itzehoer Wasser-Wanderer e.V.

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