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Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup

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Indoor dragon boat race

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Exciting races and lots of dragon boat fun...

159 days left until the 12th Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup...
We are looking forward to you!

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12th Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup 2025
on Sunday, 16 February 2025
10:00 am - 04:00 pm
Schwimmzentrum Itzehoe
in the Itzehoe Swimming Centre
Klosterbrunnen 6
25524 Itzehoe

Map on Google Maps

Are you ready? Attention... Go!

For some it is a swimming pool, for others it is the probably the shortest race course in the world: 2.50 metres.

After eleven great Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cups, the next spectacular round is now un­der­way. Take part!

We are looking forward to highly motivated teams at the "12th Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup", who will take up the paddles mea­sure their strength and bring the wa­ter and the at­mo­sphere in the hall to boil on 16 Fe­bru­ary 2025 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the swim­ming pool of the Itzehoe Swim­ming Centre.

Dragon boat race at the Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup
Dragon boat race in the Itzehoe Swimming Centre

A dragon boat is 12.50 metres long and 1.16 metres wide. Two teams of 8 paddlers sit face-to-face in a boat in this indoor dragon boat race. After the starting signal "Are you ready? At­ten­tion ... Go!" each team tries to paddle the boat forward in their own direction. The other team tries to do the same, but paddles in the opposite direction. The teams fight for every cen­ti­me­tre. It's like a tug of war - only on the water and in a dra­gon boat...

A race can last from a few seconds to almost 2 mi­nu­tes. That sounds short, but it feels long when you are paddling. A team wins when it has paddled the boat across the finish mark.

Drachenbootrennen beim Itzehoer Drachenboot Indoor-Cup
"Deutschland Achter II" vs. "rbz Dragonfly"

Race tactics? Forget it! Push the paddle deep into the water and pull hard. Start the final sprint straight away and don't let up. Keep paddling until the referee blows his horn because one of the teams has crossed the finish line. No time limit will end the race prematurely. Cheered on from the edge of the pool, the teams paddle, paddle, paddle until, after a few spectacularly long minutes, the decision is made. "Further ahead" is not enough. There is no boring tie. Victory or defeat. Every race is run. Loud chee­ring and standing ovations at the edge of the pool accompany the ath­letes.

We have seen some truly spectacular races in recent years!

Web App for the Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup: Race plan and results...
Again in 2025: Live on smartphone or tablet
with the Web App for the Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup


Athletic, ambitious dragon boat teams, company teams that train regularly, strong recreational teams, and teams that just come together for the event and take part for the fun of it are all competing. Dragon boat racing is a popular sport. Everyone can take part. Companies, au­tho­ri­ties, schools, sports clubs, friends, re­la­ti­ves, neigh­bours. From production to sales to ac­coun­ting, from apprentice to CEO, from goal­kee­per to stri­ker... - all in the same boat. Pure team spirit!

'Bayer Flohkiller' have fun...
"Bayer Flohkiller" have fun...

A team can consist of up to 10 paddlers. Team members wear a wristband to iden­ti­fy the team. In general, paddlers can only be on one team. Exceptions may be made by the race director, for example if an all-star team is formed or if a member of a sports team is also a member of a company team. We do not want companies, clubs or organisations that start with two teams to arbitrarily swap paddlers back and forth and reinforce each other. Teams should decide on their composition and main­tain it throughout the race day.

If you want to take part, create a team of at least 8 friends and/or colleagues and register. There must be at least two female team members on board for each race. The Itzehoer Wasser-Wanderer will provide the boat and paddles.

Photos of the "11th Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup" can be found in the photo album and vi­de­os from previous years can be viewed on our YouTube channel. The NDR Schleswig-Holstein Magazin reported on television about the Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup: "Dra­chen­boot-Cup in der It­ze­ho­er Schwimm­hal­le" (2:43 min).

The participation fee is 150.00 Euro for a team. This includes the entry fee for the Itzehoe Swim­ming Centre for 10 team members. Each team will compete in a mi­ni­mum of four races.

At the Itzehoer Dragon Boat Indoor Cup, the teams paddle in preliminary groups against each other for points and times to qualify for a final group. The winner is the team that pushes the dragon boat across the finishing line. Each victory brings 3 points, a defeat 0 points. The time of the race is recorded. In case of capsize, the race committee decides on the score.

Points and race times are added up for each team during the preliminary races. At the end of the group phase, the teams will be ranked ac­cor­ding to the points they have scored. In the event of a tie, the times for the races lost will be added up and the teams will be ranked from the high­est time to the lowest. This rewards teams that have resisted defeat for longer. In the event of a tie on points between un­de­fea­ted teams in the heats, the accumulated race time will also be used to determine the order. In this case, a team with a shorter total race time will be placed ahead of a team with a longer total race time. In the event of a tie in points and times, the tie will be broken by drawing lots. The final groups will be formed according to the ran­king. In the final round, the teams will compete against other teams in their per­for­mance class, from Sport to Fun.

Of course there are favourites in the heats. The outcome of some races is clear and not very different from what was expected. But there are always surprising results. It is in the finals, when teams of the same level meet, that things get really exciting.

The top three teams in each final group will be rewarded. Depending on the number of entries received and the composition of the field, star­ting clas­ses may be formed with separate prizes.

Dragon boat race at the 7th Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup
"Dragonstars" in action

Create a team and take part! Register early. Date and time of registration will be taken into ac­count. First come, first served.


This is how teams can register for the 12th It­ze­hoe Dra­gon Boat Indoor Cup...

Teams can register with a registration form online.
IDIC online registration form

We will accept entries as long as we have places available.
The starting places will be assigned and the participating teams will re­ceive a confirmation and further in­for­ma­tion on how to pay the re­gis­tra­tion fee of 150,00 Euro.

If the registration fee is not paid in time, the starting place may be given to another team.

Register now!

Go for it.
Are you ready? Register... Go!

The water splashes: thrilling dragon boat race at the 1st Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup
The water splashes: thrilling dragon boat race at the Itzehoer Dragon Boat Indoor Cup

If you have any questions about the 12th Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup,
please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stadtwerke Itzehoe GmbH
We would like to thank Stadtwerke Itzehoe GmbH
for supporting our
Itzehoe Dragon Boat Indoor Cup

Dragon boat paddle

We are looking forward to exciting dragon boat races and lots of dragon boat fun!

Itzehoer Wasser-Wanderer e.V.
Martin Ölscher
Anna-Seghers-Straße 25
25524 Itzehoe
fon +49 4821 83361
mail 1.vorsitzender@itzehoer-wasser-wanderer.de
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